TRY THIS: Stair Sprints
Sprints are an amazing way to build muscle AND lean you out, all while improving conditioning. The high intensity of sprinting will...
VIDEO: Bodyrock Bootcamp - Week 9
Week 9 of my Bodyrock Bootcamp series. All the best moves taken from every other week and thrown in to one k i c k a s s full body...
VIDEO: Bodyrock Bootcamp - Week 8
It's live Bodyrockers - Week 8 of Bodyrock Bootcamp and its UPPER BODY DAY! I've got some killer new moves with the t-bar and a lot of...
VIDEO: Bodyrock Bootcamp - Week 7
It's all about them ABS, 'bout them ABS, no trouble!!! Bodyrock Bootcamp Week 7 comin' at ya!!!! Get your mats and t-bar and crank this...

TRY THIS: Plyometric Stair Bounds
Here's a new workout move for you to try - Plyometric Stair Bounds. Get outside today! There's no need to always be stuck in the gym....

TRY THIS: Push-Up Burpie Squat & Press Combo
Here's a MOVE OF THE DAY, for you! It's a push-up, burpie, squat and press combo.... and it sure will get the heart racing and kick that...

VIDEO: East At-Home Circuit Workout
What better time to SPRING into action & TRANSFORM yourself?! A healthy lifestyle begins with just a single step.... or squat... or...

So many ways to stay active, even on vacation. For me, today, it was skiing while on vacation in Whistler. What a gorgeous day. I love to...

R i c h a r d: Superhero Of The Day
This is everything to me!!! My most distinguished Bootcamper to date: 70-years-young, Richard came to class and crushed it. Hitting his...

B l a k e: Superhero Of The Day
It's ARM'S DAY at Barry's Bootcamp! I got my fix from our new superstar trainer Blake Bridges - thanks for the arm-kicking! And we're...