VIDEO: One Leg Hop-Overs + Decline Burpie Push-Up Combo
You feeling brave today?!?! Grab your challengers and knock out this combo! MOVE 1: One-legged hop overs (Modification: My novice...

VIDEO: Four At-Home Abs Exercises with Chair
Don't have time for the gym today? Do you have access to a chair and some floor space? Well then LETS GO!!! You can quickly do these 4...

VIDEO: High Plank Cable Pull
Take your planking to the next level by trying this move: Set the plate to a medium weight and take the strain of the cable in one hand....

VIDEO: Explosive Leg Press & Pistol Squat Hops
EXPLOSIVE LEG PRESS & PISTOL SQUAT PLYO HOP BURNOUT Here are two moves for you to (carefully) try. I perform an advance version, but you...

VIDEO: Leg Burn Outs
If you can't get to a Barry’s Bootcamp today for LEG DAY -- try these advanced versions of your normal leg burn outs: Add these moves to...

TRY THIS: Elevated Wall Mountain Climber
Bored of the good old sweat-inducing Mountain Climber? Well then... add some elevation to it and it becomes deliciousy brutal! Find a...

TRY THIS: Stair Sprints
Sprints are an amazing way to build muscle AND lean you out, all while improving conditioning. The high intensity of sprinting will...