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TRAIN WITH ME: ... On Vacation

Just a lil vacation workout for ya. Post-breakfast and before a relaxing day at the pool I got a Chest & Abs workout in.

The hotel gym weights weren't nearly heavy enough, so to make the sets more challenging I changed the stability for the burn outs by adding push-ups wtih the med ball or Swiss ball.

There's always time to get in a workout... EVEN ON V A C A T I O N ! It's a choice whether you make it a priority. Feel good, swear a little and then relax and treat yourself to a cocktail and yummy food all day. This was the perfect start to my vacation week.

Each super set 3x10 reps

SET ONE Dumbbell Bench @50lbs, med ball push ups

SET TWO Narrow dumbbell bench @50lbs, narrow med ball push ups

SET THREE Incline dumbbell bench @50lbs, decline Swiss ball push ups




Chris Tye-Walker strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise or exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. Chris Tye-Walker is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that he has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. You should understand that when participating in any exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in a Chris Tye-Walker exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Chris Tye-Walker from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of participating in Chris Tye-Walker’s exercise programs and/or fitness advice. The instruction, information and/or resources provided to you by Chris Tye-Walker is based on his personal experience as a Personal Fitness Trainer. Information or instruction provided by Chris Tye-Walker or contained on his website, emails, programs, services or products is for educational and informational purposes only, and is made available to you as self-help tools for your own use. While Chris Tye-Walker draws on professional expertise, you acknowledge that he is supporting you in the role exclusively as a fitness coach/trailer only.


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